Scheduling naps feedings

I have a 2 year old on one nap a day and a 2 month old with an inconsistent schedule. I want to get to a point where we’re back on a routine and both nap between 12:30-3pm. But my toddlers all out of whack from daylight savings. I need those naps to cook, clean, shower. What does your day look like? What’s your routine and what did it take to get there?
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I’m all over the place too! Since my baby is also two months, I’ve been trying to put more priority on my 18 month old nap time, she’s also one nap a day routine and it’s my time where I prep lunch and dinner. As for cleaning, I just include my toddler with everything literally! Of course except using cleaning products. I keep telling myself day by day

@Angelina Tiburcio my toddler does like helping clean too so I do a lot of that while he’s awake. But sometimes it’s just too overwhelming when both babies need something and I just give up.

We had a routine that was working for us as far as the toddlers sleep! The daylight savings has caused some turbulence but his nap is usually from 12-2ish. My almost 4 month old has just recently gotten to a more predictable nap “routine”. I think it just takes time. Maybe first evaluate your older son’s wake time in the morning and what is the max he can tolerate before he needs his nap and work on that being around 12? The baby’s naps are going to be inconsistent but you can put him on a baby carrier for the nap around 12 to get some things done. As for the shower I put the baby in a little bouncer that reclines all the way while I take quick showers during the day. I’ll do an everything shower when my husbands home. Sorry if it’s not very helpful! But you’ll get there 🩵

@Camila thank you this is helpful. I tried the carrier today and he didn’t like it much. It’s hard because my mother and sister in law have been staying here for a month and now he’s used to contact naps on them. It makes me sad because as much as I’d love to do that I can’t with a 2 year old to care for too. They leave this weekend and I’m nervous but also excited to get my own routine going without the extra people in the house

@Camila my son’s wake window used to be 5.5 hours on the dot before naps and bedtime. The last two days it’s been 7 hours and the day before he skipped his nap. Now he’s on a 10pm bedtime when used to be 8 and its killing me slowly lol

Try and feed baby every three hours in the day. This gives a sort of routine. It also helps them sleep for long stretches at night as they’re fuller.

@Ashley that’s okay it takes them some time to get used to it! My son would scream his head off at first when I would put him in the carrier but I truly think it’s cause he would be awake for probably too long and be overtired. If i put him in early enough and started moving around he would eventually just doze off from the movement. I know it would be sooooo nice to contact nap and relax but I get you 100%, it’s not possible to with a toddler to care for. Maybe just sneak in a contact nap today or tomorrow and let them help you with the toddler? My toddler has also been going to bed at 9-10 even though I “aim” for 8 and it’s exhausting. He also skipped a nap the other day and it blew my mind cause that’s never happened 🫠 give yourself some grace, this part is the hardest I feel! Trying to balance a newborn and toddler who have such opposite schedules. Slowly but surely you will get into a routine. Some things will take priority over others and that’s okay. Other things I’m

Working on is meal prepping for a few days at a time to not cook every day. Walks to get out of the house and use that time for my baby to sneak in a nap. I also go when it’s my toddlers nap time and he’ll fall asleep and then when we get home I just transfer him to his bed and he’ll usually keep sleeping for a bit. Feeding the baby every 2.5-3.5 hours to keep him full and hopefully sleep a bit longer at night. Which will take time. Sorry for the rant but I hope it helps

@Camila this is amazing advice, thank you. It’s 3pm and I just now finally got him to sleep. Looks like another 10pm bed time tonight ugh I’ve been up since 4:30 with baby lol soo tired. I’m going to try to nap too but I’d love to chat more if I can message you later on

@Amy I would like for it to be that way but he wants 2 oz every two hours during the day and 4 oz every 3 hours at night. I really wish I could get him down to 6; 6 ounce bottles ugh

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