What Nikki said 🫶🏻
There is no shame in getting help. I never thought therapy would be something I needed until well I needed it. If you have insurance, find someone in- network. Try to avoid meds at all costs. Go on walks. Get off social media. Connect with other moms groups. Peanut is great but in this regard only short term. My kids are 8 years a part and I wish I had my 2nd sooner. My marriage was not in a good place so it didn't make sense.
Just remember, this is such a short time in your life. Before you know it they will be in middle school in the blink of an eye. I had a very abusive mom growing up. Mentally and physically. You would be amazed by the power of prayer and giving it over to God. If you aren't religious, I highly encourage you explore faith. I had a disconnect until these past few years and strengthing my connection with God has really helped in rough times. Remember, you are loved, and you are appreciated. And YOU ARE NOT ALONE in this adventure called motherhood. I've been in this 12 years and there are times still I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. 🤷♀️
@Julie the thing is I don’t think thst everyday how short life is and it’s not about her growing up it’s just I’m alone in my own thoughts I do believe in god but thst not gonna stop my thoughts from making go crazy I grow up with abuse of mother she never actually loved me I fear when u die my child will be all alone nobody care about her like nobody cared for me
I get like that the day before my period. Have you gotten blood work done?
@Julie I don’t even think you read what I wrote. It has nothing to do with being on period or not being doing bloodwork or not.
It can be hormonal. Yes I did. Are you checking off boxes? That's what this comes down to. I've talked to my gyno enough to know how much your hormones can influence your thoughts and feelings on things.
@Julie what box’s and I tried to talking my doctor they just put me on medication thst makes worse then already
Lot ppl either aren't here to talk about it, they don't comment on it, or is not the majority of ppl because they talk about... my pregnancy was easy and birth easy. My mother was abusive and she said same, she even said she regrets not having more after 3 but her husband wanted 2. She was terrrrrrrrible woman to me, she was awful to girls , but great w boys. She was a narcissistic, and the world owes it too her especially having a daughter she * prayed * for but was did nothing with her. Most ppl have kids like it nothing I had feiend tell me after her 1 kid , she said pregnancy was easy, birth easy ( easy when u numb it out, w meds ) again rare to not feel so much pain w no epidural etc. Any way she said the after birth was nightmare, crying baby, and no help, her girl is super boy , just energy at 100 sleeps till 10 or 11pm sometimes , terrible sleeper , even with activity all day and it's exhausting. Kid 6, she 35probly
I had miserable marriage all through, miserable in laws, miserable even though I thought the guy I'm with is hands on dad, grew up here, so he wasn't enough. Changing diaper isn't enough, holding baby in front tv, not taking them to park alone, no breaks nothing barely. I need sleep and even if he sleep deprived 1 day he fuses but I haven't slept on 2yrs since pregnancy properly and lack of sleep, isolation depression, weight gain, lot of thoughts negative.. maybe I inherited it. I probably did from my chaotic, emotionally high sensitive and abusive mother was, like either high sensitivity always crying and screaming cause she mad, or sad or just nasty. Then she would switch up with being sweet lady with strangers and everyone, caringthem, calling sweet heart, so fake.. ppl that say its small periods their small, no it isn't, isn't an eternity of hell, toughest nights every minute, every day, night is worse, alone, dad, depressed, sleep deprived, and I did breastfeed and it kicked more darkness
So for everyone saying.... oh its just 1 year, 6 months..no its not. I thought every pregnancy would be happy one, now a happy one is coming.. it was maybe small periods, getting through day pregnant and sometimes the sun shine and I feel happy but then nightfall... evil thoughts torture mind, like being in prison and we know its not always that way but why and how ppl get through life, ??? How to get up, get kids out, how dresser up, go have fun or go store, I have this, anxiety and it's like I want to go but I can't, I don't know what it's called. Winter makes it worse for me, no sun light. I'm happy or better feeling when I get out and walk around, strange thing but getting out often, is joyful but coming home isn't. But if I get out house, u feel better. Little helps. Ur first person I see that feels this way on pregnancy, I haven't read it before but yr smarter to know, I didn't know these dark thoughts are part of pregnancy and hormones, I thought I'm just tired.
It took me this last pregnancy, to finally figure out, if ur depressed before, u will be even more depressed after, but ppl I hear, they were depressed or dark thoughts but in pregnancy they were just tired or in pain, no one has the mind turn in on them. . Even the dark thoughts, if there is no love and no support the dark thoughts get worse, it's like being in horror movie or a dream nightmare u can't get out of until the day light comes up. But no one has that,..I hear tired, depressed sad and bored at home no help. No one mind tortures them but I guess, that cause u need to have a really bad childhood as well. Maybe that is tipping of it. Don't do it, don't do it.... every minute, felt like eternity in pregnancy and after. Adopt or tell him these thoughts, ... or tell him every day u get spa or something cause, I had to run to movie theatre to get break and quiet my thoughts and find joy with toddler ish boys at home that never went day care... hard... and no help. Or very little
@Julie ya hormones are off balance even more... lack sleep is what starts it, not enough healthy diet lettuce salad, meat, vege, fruit etc first year is hormones all over and it takes few years until it get back . Breastfeeding will make hormones go out order. Ppl need help lot of help with baby..I don't know if she getting keep. Age of mother matters, young mum or older and more pain in joints, longer recovery etc Need fresh air, lot sun, nutrients, bone broth soup, helps heal, nature walks, quite alone time, time do get shower look pretty, pampered etc etc... and lot love and care. Hugs
Ps I know I said a lot. But my pregnancy, mind went quite spinning, felt crazy, anxiety, anxious and past childhood, as if thoughts locked up got triggered and released into my mind, like a secret door opened and closed, often and I could remember bad things that happened as kid and in general.. it's like being in a dream or smoking weed if you every tried it, heighten sense of perception... hard to explain.. only thing I can compare is movie scene horror if anxiety being chased home alone by killer and gloom and never ending like dream, can't wake up
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@Ali thank u I grow pretty much the same I just am so scared to that my trama is making me crazy I love my baby more then anything in world but when I had her it felt like life got so different and suddenly I had things feeling what if I die and i couldn’t be there it keeps up at because sad thing is I don’t have lot family to talk I wasn’t raised to know anything about being a women and I don’t know everything and I’m trying my best
I would absolutely love more than 1. I had a super easy and enjoyable pregnancy and birth was a breeze. However my ppd was AWFUL and I could never go through that again. Mental health is more important in my opinion. So I'm one and done.