
Hey guys, the last few days my 11 months old has been crying so much and in his sleep, he wakes up crying and his breathing sounds a little weird as well even during his naps while I’m at work my mother-in-law watches him and she says that he still wakes up, screaming, and crying and also is breathing weirdany advice? Should I take him to the doctor? I’m not sure what to do.
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Is your baby teething? 9-12 month old experience separation anxiety and will often cry when they wake if their primary care taker isn’t present. Crying in sleep could be caused by teething. Baby’s at 11 months also go through a sleep regression and will wake up more frequently. As far as the breathing goes, what kind of sound is it? High pitched? Gasping?

@Courtney gasping sometimes & fast and heavy

@jas this could definitely be caused by teething pain and discomfort. Have you noticed any swelling in the gums or any teeth erupting? There are a few other things if could potentially be but I would check the basics first

@Courtney should I take him to the doctor

@jas I was able to identify if my daughter was teething, but I would still take her if I felt something needed to be addressed that I wasn’t able to do myself. If you are concerned about the breathing and waking up at night then I would recommend making an appointment and going over it will your pediatrician. If you noticed it’s been happening consistently I would make note of it and try to narrow down what could be causing it. It definitely will ease your mind if you go in too. Your pediatrician will be able to assess the situation and go from there.

My daughter would and still does wake up crying and it was almost always due to teething. She has gotten pretty sick last year around 8 months and was having issues breathing normally she was pretty congested. I added a humidifier to her room and sucked out her nose frequently. That seemed to be the biggest help for her when she was sick. As far as teething I would give her highland teething tabs that are made out of chamomile they help sooth her mouth pain. I would give her a dose of Tylenol before bed. She seemed to do well with that combo.

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