Everything in my life was not what I wanted. Until I met my current partner. Now I’m living the life I always wanted & deserved. It was more so about how I wanted to feel about my life rather than what I wanted.
This is a weird 1 for me as i feel I cant say yes , i got my happy ending despite i absolutely love my life rn but its not what i thought i wanted as a teenager for my happy ending… I wanted a successful career where i could move across the world and ‘make it’ at something. But that career fell apart as i tried to force it and i reevaluated my life after i got married and watched my parents divorce and realised the house, the car, the kids when you have a great partner and support is such a lovely life! I do want to be able to achieve things still, but while im raising young kids, im kind of OK that ppl younger than me are excelling at their careers much faster and overtaking me (my low salary is a pain as i switched careers late at 30 and was slow when i returned after mat leave, but i think it will get better as children get independent)
I’d say yes, for sure. I often take a moment to pause and reflect how I am walking in answered prayers. My younger self would be pleased, I think! I completed my degree that I always wanted, got married to my best friend, work in my respective field in science and have 2 little babes. And my credit is really good lol Now everything ebbs and flows and I’d argue that the happy ending is a mindset because God forbid if something happened to my job, or anything else, I believe I’d still feel at peace because of the stability I have within the heart of my marriage. All of which equates a “happy ending” took a lot of intentionality and work but completely worth it
Honestly all I care about is bringing up my boys to be decent human beings. I give up on myself I’ve been through too much
I said somewhat because I think we're on our way there. But I'm not even sure what my happy ending is haha. I do love my life and have a lot to be grateful for. My husband, kids, home, etc. I'm glad I get to be a sahm but I don't think that's my forever gig and I need to figure out what I want for myself with the rest of my life.
Yes. I’m living the life I dreamed of as a teenage girl. I’m very thankful.
@Sam don't give up on you!
@Rachel for sure, the kids are not going to be little forever then it's a new chapter
I didn’t know what or who I wanted to be when I was younger. I just knew I hated the city I lived in. 9 years ago I was invited by my ex to his church and ever since then I realized that God was the right path. My husband now and I are in the right path with God, our career, and now a baby otw. I knew I didn’t want to get pregnant or start a family until most of my life was good enough to support the baby. We have been together for 8 years and creating a life now is the perfect thing for us. Nothing will ever be perfect but the path I am in now is everything and more than I ever wanted!
I spent a hard “childhood” : the oldest of 4kids, was the 2nd mom early bc my dad is a pervert narcissist he made live us a nightmare (ex: we were beaten if the soap was “too soaked”), we lived in the constant stress of not getting him mad.. my mom left very late, when I was 18. She was a stayed at home mom, so it was hard and I had to Help to support financially my family while studying. Psychologically I was so lost, I had no trust in men and was sleeping around a lot for bad reasons (need of affection, love). I heeled myself completely from the inside and outside (had physical issues as well from abuse and stress) I got my master in finance, found my 1st job in the field without any connexions, then was earning a lot of money at 23 already when I met my husband ! I met my soul mate, he’s a perfect husband and a wonderful dad, I even couldn’t imagine a man like that would exist for me. We soon had 1baby and now expecting the 2nd, and I feel just completely happy !
i do not compare my life to others and i feel that everyone's path is unique. i cannot say that i had a clear vision of what i wanted my life to be like, i always live in the moment. i am grateful for life's blessings but i have been feeling like i want more out of life. i fantasize about what my future could be like sometimes. i will not say that i am unhappy , i simply want more out of living. - idk late night thoughts