I also think im in labour! They say you shouldn't go in until contractions are 3 minutes apart, mine have been 5 minutes apart for hours and so intense! Also got my tens machine going, good luck! X
Good luck mama! No advice as it’s very much about what you feel and your distance from the hospital when you decide to go in. Also they can try to turn you away but if you insist on staying they’ll usually accommodate x
Good luck!x
Thanks all, I’ve tried to sleep but just couldn’t stay lying down so I’ve been sat on the edge of my bed with blankets round me and pillows on my lap to lean on a bit. Soo tired. I was timing them for a while but once my husband is up I’ll get him to time them for me so I can just focus on myself 🤞🏻😮💨
Could you also try and warm bath or shower? My midwife said to go in once I’ve had 3 contractions in 10 minutes consistently for half an hour. Excited for you! You’ve got this!!
So I feel like it’s tapered off? Bit gutting after being up all night 🥴 I feel gross and no appetite but think it will just be because I’m so tired.
I’m a bit nervous to not have my TENS machine on so not sure I’ll go in the shower/bath
I think some stop start is totally common! Do some things that create oxytocin like watching your fave show, anything that makes you laugh, nipple stimulation, get the vibrator out or sex if you are up for it
@Lucy hey Lucy please which blue one I have checked can’t find it.
@Lucy thabk you so much love ❤️ x
There's also the Freya app to count your contractions which is free :)
Any update? X
I don’t even understand the app 😁😂
@Barbra what the contraction one? X
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@Lucy the recent one is 12 mar 60:16
The contraction length or the timing between contractions? As the number on the left is the length of the contraction and the one on the right is the time between contractions c
@Lucy Woww nice.
@Lucy Lucy please do u check from frequency or duration?
Contractions slowed/disappated today but because my waters were detected in the swab they did it means I’ve got a limited window to labour and then they would advise Csection. I’ve been having contractions again, stronger but not as frequent so unless things ramp up then it’s looking like baby is coming out the sunroof 🥲 As long as he’s here and he’s healthy that’s the main thing 🩵🤞🏻
Download contraction timer app, the blue one and put in when you get your contractions. When they’re close together it will tell you to make your way to the hospital but no harm in calling them and letting them know. Currently in the same position as you, good luck xx