Yeah it’s ok to make a limit. Like “Mommy is going to answer two more ‘why’s’ and then we are gonna do [—-] and take a break from answering why’s. “ My kids in the why stage were barely listening after like 6 why answers. I’m not discouraging their curiosity. They’re just in a pattern and it’s ok to switch it up. You’re not being mean by not answering every why. ❤️ Hang in there, I know it’s rough.
I answer the question but if the whys continue after the reasonable questions are asked I say “I already answered that question but I’m happy to answer a different one for you”. Hitting them back with a good ol “why do you think?” And letting them answer their own question is always good too. That might work better as you get closer to three though. Just please whatever you do don’t say because I said so or you’ll understand when you’re older 😂😂 I don’t know a single kid that that doesn’t make mad/frustrated. I still have trauma from hearing those phrases growing up!! lol
It was cute a couple months ago bc she would say, "why not" in a Bluey accent instead of just, "why" 🤣🤣 I try so hard not just say "bc I said so" 😭 But after the third why, that's really all I got, and that's what makes her say ok and walk away. Idk how good it is, but sometimes, if possible, I will just completely distract her if I'm not in the mood to answer questions. I'll pick up a toy, ask her if she wants to wear her dress up stuff, literally anything to avoid all million questions
Same here! I just go with the straight forward answer and it usually works lol but I'd say if she kept asking I'd probably have to go with the good old fashioned "because mommy said so!" Lol then maybe switch subjects after that haha