I've had similar some nights, I haven't noticed too much of a problem although I do tend to wake up feeling really engorged, sometimes my boobs wake me up before my baby!
Our 9 week old is typically doing 7.30-2 then 3-6 but he is bottle fed
9-4.30 milk then 5-8 Don't get too excited. 4 month sleep regression is just around the corner 😅 And yes it could affect your supply. If you're having supply concerns then set an alarm to pump after 3 hours. If you don't have concerns then rest and if you notice a drop then you can up it again by pumping in the night x
I breastfeed and my little one’s longest stretch is usually about 7 hours and I don’t wake up to pump! I did get a bit engorged at the start but it seems to have gotten better x
How!!? My baby is 10 weeks today and still wakes roughly every 3 hours 😩🤣
@Jessica mine was until 3 days ago and I’m sure he will go back to three hours soon 🤣 on the positive side at least you won’t have a sleep regression too bad !
Ahh, jealous! Firt started sleeping through from 7 weeks, my second 15, this one still wants a feed every 2 hours 🥴
Yes. Mine is 8 weeks now and has been for about 2 weeks. Some nights it’s only until 4am but usually this is if she goes to bed earlier. She tends to go 11:30-5/6. This morning she woke at 7!! I’ve not set any alarm to pump in the night. Just been cherishing my sleep. I tend to pump as soon as I wake though whilst she feeds on the other side as they do feel a bit engorged. I’ve not found any issue with supply so far but have had a really good supply from the start.
Ah my baby did a 4 hour stretch last night and I was so happy 😅 he's usually every 2-3hrs. Can't wait til he sleeps longer!!
Our little boy is almost 8 weeks too and has just started sleeping 11-6 ish too. I’ve just been pumping when I wake up but I have noticed a little bit of a dip in my supply x
I got two nights of that and got excited, unfortunately didn’t last but I hope it does for you! When he does go long stretches I just wake up with engorged boobs but also been fine when feeding in the night too. Don’t think it should be a problem x
Lord. 11 weeks and feeding every two hours at night. Bottle fed, hungry boy. 👶🏻🍼
Not mine 😅 but enjoy the rest! Your milk supply will adjust if baby starts to wake up at night again x