Introducing formula

I know all HV say this won’t make baby sleep longer but has any one tried it and it’s had a positive impact on sleep? My little one for the last few months has been waking every hour - two hours. I can hardly get him to feed in the day as he is too distracted. I was wondering if giving a bottle of formula in the day (if he will have it) would help this as he’s now started waking at 4 too 🫠
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I switched my twins to forumla at 6 months ...and regardless of what health visitors said... it helped massively with sleep xx

Sounds like reverse cycling, so I'd say getting more milk in during the day will help with sleep. I express milk and give it in a bottle as my girl is nosy too so she does prefer the bottle now so she can look around 😅

I have started weening my son off breast on to formula and he is now taken 4 feeds of it a day. It hasn't helped his sleep in the slightest but that wasn't why I started it. Always said 6 months for breastfeeding.

Made things worse for my nephew he was breastfed and it just upset his stomach massively

I think the good thing about bottle feeding - whether formula or expressed milk - is you know how much they have had. So you can try giving more in the day, and not offering at night if you know they shouldn’t be hungry. So it helps, I think, cut out the comfort feeding a bit. Although not entirely, as babies do still like to feed to sleep on a bottle.

Definitely helps with sleep! My first was both bottle fed and breast fed but as a young FTM I didn’t want to wake up during the nights so fed her formula at nights and she used to sleep for 7-9hr stretches whereas now my youngest was EBF and he wakes up 2-3 times a night and only since starting solids does he do a 4hr+ stretch. I’ll always say this, listen to what you want from health visitors but always go with your gut they know babies you know your baby!

@Emma Cunningham I know, I’ve tried everything but he is just too nosey and distracted in the day so I can’t get it in him! I can’t really express anything.. maybe 1/4 of an ounce

@Skye oh no, ok thanks for replying 😬

I've heard that giving formula before bed can help some babies as they struggle to digest it so it can settle them for longer, honestly that put me off trying. Sounds like more milk during the day will help if you can manage feeding somewhere with less distractions. I'm not sure how you're doing with weaning but one thing that really helped with my first (not a great sleeper) was some banana before bed as it's a slow realise of potassium. I've heard kiwi can help too but banana was best for us.

@Annie no worries might be worth trying I debated it myself but the thought of it upsetting his tummy was what put me off. Glad I didn’t do it cos he’s got CMPA we think now so would’ve been 1000% worse with formula! 🫣

I express in a morning and give 10oz of breastmilk at night. It's helped massively. He's only waking once aroun 3-4am!x

@Toni oo I’ve never heard that and he loves banana to will definatly give that a go, thanks x

Switching to formula massively helped my LB, when I was breastfeeding he was up every 1-2 hours throughout the night but with formula he started going 4 hours at a time and then when he was getting enough throughout the day, he started sleeping 9-11 hours each night, so I stopped breastfeeding at that point xx

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