Does she fall asleep herself at bedtime? I've had this problem with both my babies but it went away soon after they could self-settle for all sleeps. Generally by about 5 months. But I hear you, it is so frustrating trying to figure out if there's anything you can do to stop it, and the waiting for when they are going to wake up again.
I’ve tried both… she mostly feeds to sleep at bedtime as when I have tried to put her down awake (exactly like she is used to for her naps) she screams bloody murder 😅 she had eventually self soothed to sleep a couple of times but will still wake again after maximum a sleep cycle
October baby was like this, bedtime was harder than naps. I comforted him by singing if he got upset but it did take a few weeks. After he could self-settle himself for a week or so at bedtime then the false starts reduced and have stopped now. If I fed him to sleep he would definitely false start, but sometimes I did it anyway if he was too upset and not settling.
My daughter (now 2) as relentless for this. I wish I had a magic answer but honestly I just rode it out until 1 day she just stopped 🤷♀️ in the space of 1-2 months she suddenly stopped with the false starts and then started sleeping through too. This was from around 12 months, she just did it herself I never changed anything x
Exactly the same! And v similar with naps/routine. Wakes every 30 mins and I put her back in cot 3 times. Then co sleep for rest of night. I think with mine she just really wants the contact with me and feels unsettled without it 🥴 hoping as she starts to get bigger, she becomes mire confident in her own sleep space. Don't mind co sleeping during the night but would like to have a but of evening back!