13 months yesterday and still no interest in walking. She can stand up while holding on to things but she's so fast with crawling so jusy think that's easier for her.
My little girl isn’t walking yet either, each baby walks at their own pace (pardon the pun)! I know one baby who walked at 9 months and another who didn’t walk until 15/16 months☺️I think some babies are capable but realise that it’s tricky and their crawling can get them around faster so they don’t want to walk🤣
My little boy is exactly the same age (same birthday 😊) he stands all the time & will cruise along the furniture. At his 10-12 month development appointment he wasn’t standing, & they said he was slightly behind & would give me a call in a few months to see how he was doing. A week later he was standing 😊 I’m sure they will take their first steps when they are ready.
Your baby is just scared. But you have to do the encouraging. Does he have a walker with no sit. Grab his fav toy or Food and encourage him to come grab it. That’s how I made my kids walk. U can also use snacks
@Ife sorry but that's ridiculous. My baby is not scared of walking, and neither should you be implying that the person who posted this is not doing enough. My girl is just 13 months and an expert crawler and climber, and babies at this age go for the most convenient option to get to their goal. If a baby is an excellent crawler, they often rely on that a little longer. We practice plenty but she is just not ready for full on walking yet. All babies are different, and it's considered absolutely normal for it to take up to 18 months.
@Annem I definitely agree, I don’t think ‘scared’ is the right way to put it…I say my little girl just lacks the confidence, she’s excellent at walking with a walker and can walk well holding one of my fingers but she just doesn’t have the confidence to try it independently yet!
My daughter is one and not even close to walking 🥰
@Annem oh lord I didn’t mean it in a bad way. So maybe you should calm down. That’s the best way I could explain. Scared is not a harmful word which was why I used it. You don’t have to come at me like that especially if I meant no harm
Thank you all. Yes he definitely can get around very quickly with crawling so I think it’s just more convenient for him😂x
Nope, mine does a lot of standing and no interest in walking. I didn’t want to spend money on some pre walkers for her to grow out of them before using them but when I put some (slightly too big) crocs on her, she would take about 10 steps holding our hands. Then that was it for the day 😂 my friend’s baby started walking the other week at 16 months. Xx
My son is 13 months, still no walking, he will use his walker or walk holding both my hands but has not made the leap yet unassisted, i’m encouraging where i can but ultimately it’s when he’s ready. I think he knows that he’s a zoomy crawler too, so fast I can barely catch up 😂🤍
Mine is 13 months and still crawling as it's more convenient for her. They still have plenty of time to walk. Please don't worry yourself!