Car Seat Help!!
Any recommendations for a car seat or on how to get the seat to stop forcing baby boys chin into his chest?
The one that came with my travel system forces his chin into his chest, the only way he can use it is by me having to adjust the headrest to pull his head back a bit, but I’m not sure this then provides enough support to his neck. I’m also worried it’s putting too much pressure on his fontanelle.
I went to smyths the other day and tried the Joie 360 spin and it was so upright that it does the same thing, even when reclined (the tiny bit it does recline). I’m looking at the maxi-cosi pebble 360 pro as it has the lie flat seat but I’m really reluctant to fork out £260 for a car seat that won’t last until he is a toddler, plus the base!!
We have the Cybex Cloud T i-size which reclines partially on the car base and fully on the pram base! 100% worth the money!! We had it for our first born and we have moved onto the Joie 360 for him now. I know it says from birth but I definitely wouldn't use it for my newborn.