I don't know what's going on

Little one is 14 and a half weeks now and this week has been super fussy. He had started going from 9/9.30 to 5/5.30 at night the only thing we were struggling with him dropping a feed was trying to make it up during the day when he doesn't often finish the bottle with the next ounce up or when he does he spits half of it back up. Last couple of days he's been a nightmare to feed, keeps trying to take the bottle off me and shove it up his nose then two seconds later complaining he's hungry, some feeds are taking nearly the full hour the formula is good for. Last night he woke up after bedtime at 11 3 and 6 for the first time in weeks but with all his fussiness yesterday he had about 200ml less than normal. This morning after he woke up at 6 showing all his hunger cues, had 2 ounces got the hiccups got really mad at the hiccups then went to sleep. Ive also lost track of the number of times this week he's been pulling on my hair, scratching me, headbutting me. He has a tonne of energy but all of the play that we do which is age appropriate doesn't seem to be enough to wear him out. I got to the point yesterday where I was so fed up with him constantly hurting me I put him in his cot and made my husband watch him for an hour which of course then just made me feel guilty afterwards but I couldn't take it anymore. I'm worried that he's not sleeping enough or getting enough milk and I'm so exhausted I don't have the energy to keep up with him
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Yep 4 month sleep regression is the worst one! My son is going through the same right now. My daughter was nowhere this bad

My little boy is 15 weeks and hes all fussy and our whole “normal” routine has gone. Hes can only go 3 hours between feeds and he will only cat nap in the day resulting in a demon child around 3/4 o”clock! Its definitely the 4 month regression its a huge growth spurt apparently at this time. Hoping to just ride it out and pray its only a few weeks.

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