Following x
I put my little girl down in her sleeping bag- same as for night time. I also rock to sleep and then transition. Drowsy but awake has never worked for any of my three 😅 More recently, I’ve had to go back after 5/1O mins and resettle/ rock to sleep again. She usually has about 30-45 mins in her cot, sometimes an hour. My advice is to stick with it. My older boys were the same but as they got bigger they got really good at napping in their cots. Hope this helps x
I can only do it by making the room dark. If there’s light she knows it’s day time lol
I put mine down as soon as I see signs of him being tired- in his cot in his own room. I’ve closed the blinds but there’s still some light - I turn on his mobile because he watches is when he starts to get drowsy. He’s really been enjoying having a comforter which I take away after he’s fallen asleep. I just use a blanket if needed but mostly just what he’s wearing
Thanks everyone!
I’ve started with one or two naps a day in his cot and rest out and about, it is super exhausting so my advice is to stick with it! I have the room exactly same as night time and put him in sleep sack, I rock him until he’s drowsy then put him down and shush and stroke him, he also has dummy, I have been stopping feeding to sleep so this has been the tough part, it was taking me 30 mins to settle but then after a few days 5/10mins until the regression hit and was taking an hour but you just have to stick with it!! When I’m super exhausted I just rock him to sleep and transfer then at least he’s still in his crib! He started off sleeping 30 mins and yesterday he did an hour!
I could have written this myself! Exactly the same, following for the advice 🫶