@Lucy it's exhausting isn't it, my son has always been an early riser aswel between 5 - 5:30 🥲 I think it's separation anxiety but didn't think it would go on for this long
I agree because she doesn’t want anything else other than ‘where’s mummy’… how long has it been going on for you? X
Yep! For the last few months she calls us in the middle of the night and gets in our bed. Very rare she sleeps through. I think it’s when she hit the 2 year sleep regression and we just let her in our bed, not sure if it’s still the regression or we formed a habit. I have a 7 week old and it actually made things less stressful/ tiring just letting her in our bed 😅 She was also waking up at 5am most days when sleeping through and now sleeps until 7/8am. She has dropped naps though.
@Lucy I would say from the beginning of my pregnancy and I'm 35 weeks now 🫠 x
@Jess I'm wondering if we have formed the same habit but it's so hard when your tired you will do anything to sleep! I suppose there is no right or wrong way as long as your getting the sleep you need, just makes me nervous when the next baby is here but I don't think I could be anymore tired anyway 😂
I was worried about the “habit” in the beginning but she is so little and still goes to sleep in her own bed at least. Honestly you have to do what works for you! We get a lot more sleep this way and she sleeps through the baby waking up surprisingly 😅 I miss her cuddles if she doesn’t wake up in the night now 😂
@Jess yeah I'm glad he will actually go down in his own bed at least! Wow that's amazing how she doesn't wake up with the baby waking hope mines the same 🤣
Been going through it since Xmas! Gets up around 12 then 2ish then sometimes 4 and that’s when I also usually just let her in our bed at that point! I don’t know what’s changed since Xmas but nothing I do is getting her to sleep through anymore!