Thinking of stopping breastfeeding

I am currently 8 days postpartum and have been exclusively breastfeeding however I’m so close to going to formula as mentally I am struggling. I feel like I’m sleeping less and less each night, I’m not eating or drinking properly. Baby girl doesn’t seem to feed long enough then doesn’t sleep much in between I just need to hear if anyone has made the switch whether it’s with this baby or previous this early after birth.
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In a similar situation so here for the comments. Finding breastfeeding so tough! You're doing amazing xx

Could you try combi feeding? I’m 10 days postpartum today and have been topping my little one up with formula since day one as my milk supply is low. I do find that my partner being able to give baby a bottle overnight has helped my sleep so could be a good option for you xx

I was in this position with my first, really struggled with feeling like I was just there as a feeding machine and was struggling to bond and he started to not latch properly at night. The hormones definitely didn't help. They do cluster feed the first few weeks so will feed a lot, it doesn't mean she isn't get enough each time but just needs to feed more to get the supply up - no one told me about this so I felt the same. I started combination feeding just pumping and formula after 3 weeks and went fully formula at 5 weeks. I do wish I stuck it out as it would have been much more convenient when going out as having to make up formula on the go was annoying. I'm going to try to stick it out for longer this time at least doing combi feeding but mental health comes first. He's 2.5 now and perfectly healthy so doing formula hasn't had any negative effects on him.

You’re so newly postpartum ❤️ Everything is so new and you and baby are both still learning. It’s baby putting in their orders for their feedings later down the line by establishing your supply but I know it’s tough. Have you got anyone looking after you and making sure you’re fed and watered? Your only job is to look after baby and everyone else’s job is to be looking after you ❤️ The best thing I did was buying loads of water bottles that I would refill in the morning/evening and place all around the house so I always had one near and also making snack baskets for around the house too. Also we used to take an afternoon nap around 3 ish with baby in the next to me crib xxx

Any breast milk you give is a success. Don't feel bad for making the switch. Formula fed babies tend to sleep through the night quicker than breastfed. I managed 2 weeks with my first before I stopped. She was also on formula as well as I was expressing, but I stopped as my milk dried up. I'm expressing now, and I'm already producing less milk, but any is better than none, and I won't beat myself up like I did with my first. Even a day is a success. An option could be to formula feed in the evening and overnight as baby might sleep longer. Xx

Is baby cluster feeding? I had this struggle as it was constant, had no break I wasnjust sat down all day feeding baby! Fir a couple of weeks I supplemented with formula whilst still BFing and it helped massively

2 weeks postpartum here, I stopped exclusively breast feeding at 5 days because I couldn't handle the mental and physical toll it was having on me. I still offer the breast but he's mainly formula fed. Look after yourselves too, you can try expressing if you still wish to offer breast milk however I have found that this is also exhausting xx

I would second supplementing with formula here and there and letting someone else feed them so you can get some sleep! Maybe try the pre made bottles? Those big 4 hour chunks of sleep can make all the difference if someone can help you to do so. Naturally if you would like to switch to formula and that’s what works best then that’s what is best for you and don’t feel bad. Making bottles and sterilising can be overstimulating too and a lot less easier than whipping out the breast so make sure you’re certain. But would defintely try a few things here and there to see what works and ensure you’re getting a break x

Firstly want to say you’ve done amazing breastfeeding your little one for 8 days and completely understand how hard it is. At the end of day whether you choose to breastfeed or formula feed, don’t feel guilty. I have 2 kids already and I breastfed both but my first much shorter compared to my second who breastfed till almost 2. I also found it hard being their only food supply and having all the nights fall on me. The early days are so difficult especially as your baby will be cluster feeding a lot in order to increase your milk supply. My babies were both very sleepy so they would often not complete a feed and fall asleep only to want more milk quite soon after again. It’s exhausting. Ultimately it’s your decision whether you want to make the switch to formula or combo feed, but I would say that formula fed babies don’t always sleep better than breastfed babies. My first didn’t sleep better on formula but it did help that my partner could help feed her in the nights.

I switched to formula day 6 as the cosleeping and feeding every hour was so hard. I also have a toddler who also needed my attention, the mum guilt of being under baby for 3 hours each evening was too much. he was starting to hate his sister. he kept pointing to baby and saying “all gone” and it nearly broke me along with the hormones. Since moving to formula everybody is happier over here. Baby is sleeping longer spells and I can give my toddler time. I wish people told me it’s much harder to do bf with second baby.

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