I keep my baby up until 8pm , that way he sleeps until 8am. If I let him go to bed at 6pm he will wake at 6am. Sometimes it’s a bit of a struggle to keep him awake till 8pm but so worth it 😂
@Tanya no I am not doing any of that for naps, haven’t even got blackout curtains unfortunately 😩 even if I take her out in the pram or carrier she wakes up after 30 minutes so I’ve given up as I just end up making myself all angry about it. Dropping to 3 naps a day is impossible with 30 minutes of sleep each time as she just would get so incredibly overtired. I’ve tried extending wake windows to 3/3.5 hours to see if she’d sleep longer but nope that also didn’t work. She’s literally been like this since birth, between 5-10 weeks she also just didn’t sleep at all during the day. She’s 5.5 months now so I would have thought her naps would be getting longer naturally but obviously not
@Elle well she goes to bed at 8:30 but before this she was going to bed between 9:30-10pm and would sleep till 9am. Then about two weeks ago she started waking early so I’ve been putting her down earlier gradually and we’re at 8:30 now but still wakes up at 6/6:30. So bringing bedtime earlier didn’t make a difference at all
Ah ok, I'd just try mini nap routine and white noise. If you don't have blackout blinds/curtains you can just put tin foil up. Try for a few days and see if it makes any difference. I've suggested it to a few mums on here and for some it has immediately lengthened naps. Light can really affect the quality of their naps post 2 months. It can also cause early morning wakes as it gets lighter in the mornings and they think it's time to start the day. It is always night in my baby's room 😂
Possibly overtired... I'd work on extending day time naps. Are you doing blackout blinds, white noise, mini nap routine already? Could you do one nap in carrier/pram so she gets a longer one in? Or try dropping to 3 naps as it might be she has outgrown 4 and doesn't have enough sleep pressure to have a long nap.