Supply dropping on one side

Hey mamas- I EBF and my baby is 5 months. Her feeds are super short like literally 4-8mins maximum and every 2-2.5hours. Thats been her normal since birth. However I’ve noticed for over a week now she screams at me after feeding for just a minute on the left and I have no choice but to switch to the right where she comfortably gulps away for the rest of the feed. My let down is also awfully slow on the left so it’s honestly a battle every time- she’s very impatient. I don’t want to produce too much on the right because it’s fine but is it possible to increase the supply on the left? 🤯 Worried it will just finish. I alternate and suffer it regardless even if she manages a minute but it’s not great. Xx
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Might be worth pumping on the left when she stops feeding that side? So your body thinks you’ve finished the full feed and then supply should maintain x

My left boob is flat and produces a little bit my right boob is huge and produces a lot and only feeds for 3-10 mins usually but bedtime feeds are usually about 20-1 hour or 1.5 x

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