I had mine May last year and it was amazing . I will deffo have another c section when I have another child. It’s so much better than an emergency section. You’ll be fine xx
I’ve had two and they were both incredible, very calm and relaxed. No trauma, camera rolling, skin to skin straight away, delayed cord clamping, dad cut the cord. Didn’t feel the spinal at all, just a quick pinch. It’s more just an awkward position to stay in but the cannula in my hand stung more. Electives are better than emergencies on your body and an easier recovery. You only recover from the surgery, not hours of labour exhaustion and stress on you and baby. I only lost 300ml of blood in both surgeries and was up walking and showering the same day. I finished all drugs in a week and never had worse aches than period pain xx
Had my c section 5 weeks ago and it went really smoothly. You have the most qualified people in the room and it was all very calm and efficient. Didn’t feel the spinal at all. Baby will be in your arms in like 10 minutes. Recovery is slightly rough but take it easy. I was up and carefully walking around within 24 hours. It was significantly easier after a week. Felt practically fully healed within 2 weeks. You’ll be great and good luck!!!
I had a planned c-section as well! I thought the spinal block was going to hurt. I honestly just felt a slight pinch and some pressure, then nothing! Haven’t had back pain since giving birth either
I had a planned C in April last year, and it was the most amazing experience. They took me through at 12 and got me numbed up which they was so kind about because I was so scared, they talked through things by 12:11pm my son was born they did his checks and put him on my chest and kept him on me the rest of the time it was so lovely
I find my second c section a lot harder recovery wise, I loved both of my c section, spinal block didn’t really hurt, it was so calming, if I ever have 3rd it be c section again!! Good luck darling 🫶🏼
I have my first in November 2024 for our son to be delivered after four days of a failed induction. The spinal for me was a lot of pressure but that feeling was over very quick and I felt NOTHING. Delivery turned into a splash c section but again felt nothing. The team I had was great! Our son was good, I was good, delivery experience good. Just make sure you advocate for what you can to help ease your mind.
I had mine in 2021. Not to scare you, but in my opinions needles hurt! lol so yes when they stick you in the back I felt some pain but it also wasn’t the worst thing in the world and it was quick. Again everyone’s experience is different. My c section was a great experience and the recovery was great. I had zero problems. You do have to be careful but that’s about it. Everything will be fine! Keeping you in my prayers 💞
@Jessica yes the needle hurt me so much too I kept screaming . And they struggled to get the spinal in it took three anesthetic. But after that my experience was amazing
I had a planned section in October and it was a calm experience. I had a spinal combined with an epidural and it didn’t hurt unbearably it was as more uncomfortable but this was the worst part for me overall after that I was at ease and got to enjoy meeting my daughter
My first c section .. when the give me the needle I moved a little that shit hurt I hate needles….i was in labor for eight hrs Bcux I had to fast .. I didn’t no I was in labor before going nd I had a big breakfast… my experience was calm I had amazing doctors that guide me .. don’t be afraid to ask questions… if u uncomfortable say something. I pray ur journey goes smoothly nd you have amazing doctors nd nurses
I had my c section in august last year and honestly it was a beautiful experience after my first labour was awful. The team came round beforehand and talked me through the procedure and made sure I was aware of everything that would happen. I was able to hold my daughter straight away and it felt like a really relaxed experience. You can't feel the spinal as they use local anesthetic to numb you first x
I had an elective C-section 4 weeks ago. Traumatic and complicated vaginal birth with my first. The elective C-section was a way more positive birth experience and recovery has been far easier. The hardest part was just waiting around in the morning to go in because the nerves had hit and I was so hungry. The spinal block didn't hurt at all as they gave local anesthetic first so I didn't feel a thing. The staff in theatre were all great and the whole procedure felt very calm. Baby was out really quickly then nothing else mattered.
I’ve had mine in January with my first so was super nervous but actually it was a very positive experience. They give you an injection to numb the area first before giving the spinal block so nope it doesn’t hurt. Everyone keeps letting you know what’s happening too and best of all my partner was there all along as it was a planned section. Just think you’ll see your little one in just 6 days! 😊