my lo is 16 months his never like milk and very fussy with food he has 180mls in morning and 150mls before bed, during the day he drinks water. he use to have 4 bottles until dietitian told us to give him just 2, his on the lower side of weight but is really tall.
I am lucky if my son drinks an oz or two of milk a day. He is 18 months and has been like this since around 13 months.
My daughter never drank milk after 1. She’s a little over 4 now and is fine. My pediatrician said as long as her diet had the proper nutrients it was totally fine if she didn’t want to drink it.
We stopped giving milk at around 14/15 months and our daughter just had 3 meals and snacks through the day with water to drink instead. As long as they’re getting calcium through their diet it’s fine. 😊