What are the steps when you find out you’re pregnant in Newcastle

I called my gp surgery, they asked me to create a badger notes account. I tried to sign up for it, but it requires a passkey given by midwife. I looked up midwifes for Newcastle areas and found some contacts on nhs website but they don’t pick up the phone and it goes into voicemail and they don’t contact back aswell.
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I filled in a form online when I found out I got a phone call back few weeks later and that’s when I got the passkey and told to download badger. I also got my booking in appt made. I’m Northumberland but should be same


Hi, I believe it’s all done online now as when I tried to call they pointed me in the direction of the website. Then they’ll contact you with your first appointment a little later on X https://www.northumbria.nhs.uk/our-services/maternity/registering-your-pregnancy

Your GP will contact the midwife who will either ring/text or send you a letter with an appointment for around 8 weeks for your booking appointment. They will give you the passkey just before to fill in your booking information. Congratulations

At my GP in gosforth I had to fill a form in and then the midwife collected it from there and I was contacted for my booking in appointment I was about 10 weeks before I was contacted for booking in

https://www.badgernotes.net/SelfReferral/CareLocation/Northumbria That should allow you to self refer. Then you’ll get a call in a few days with log in details. Congratulations!

A lot of these comments are for Northumbria so be careful you don’t refer to the wrong service. You need Newcastle and they don’t self refer. Your midwife will have a designated day at the GP surgery where she will get the referral from the GP. As long as you contact the GP and ask to be referred to midwife you are on the right track xx

@Sara must be different for each GP as I’m Newcastle based and my GP is (only just as on the border) and that’s how I had to do it :) My GP kept directing me back to the badger app. X

@Helen yeah it depends where in Newcastle. North tyneside falls into the Northumbria bracket which is self refer xx

@Sara my gp says they’re not attached to midwife so they can’t do anything 😐

@Helen I’m based near heaton and my gp says they’re can’t do anything. I don’t know if i can self refer , really have no idea what to do 😬

God that’s so unhelpful! Will your gp give you a number for the midwife? That’s how I ended up contacted my allocated one. Took a while to get through though! Morning or late on I found best. 12-1 they must be on lunch or something as could not get an answer. X

I had to make an appointment with the midwife hub, had pregnancies across Newcastle and Sunderland and it was the same set up. Your GP should’ve given you a referral to the midwife or at least given you your local midwife hub number!

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