Yes, keeps waking up in the night crying but nothing seems to actually be wrong. He will sometimes fall asleep on me the second I pick him up but then when I put him back down he'll be crying again within about 30-40 mins🥴. Also fighting his daytime naps so much. I'm lucky if he has 1 nap a day recently even though he's very clearly tired😭. His little eyes are red all the time because he's constantly tired and having broken sleep🥲 Last night we had about 4 wake-ups between 2.30-5am. He was practically hysterical at one point but eventually settled in our bed at about 5.45 then slept until 8am
Yes this has been happening with twin 1 (twin 2 so far fine). I’m guessing separation anxiety as the cry sounds like fear.
Yes we are struggling at 9months currently! She had gone to 1 wake up each night prior to 8months and since then seems to be one thing after another! We went back to waking every couple of hours! This then stopped and we had 1 night off sleeping through!! Then we started beginning our day at 5am and then last night she was awake 11-2 and then up at 5 again!! No idea what to do to help so just trying to lean into it and go with it for now! Easier said than done when I’m back to work soon but I know it will pass soon enough! Xxx
thanks everyone not looking for advice or anything just wanted to know i wasn’t alone, i needed a drink last night and everytime i left the room she immediately woke up so perhaps it could be separation anxiety wasn’t fun though 😂😂
Yep my girl was 9 months on 30th Feb and the past couple of nights have been horrendous for us to
Yep! We went from 7-7 the odd night sleeping through and one bottle. To refusing to self settle, waking screaming & rocking on her cot & starting the day at 5 am 😴
This is my life right now!! We were 9 months last week! I’m shattered lol!