Meal times

What time is everyone scheduling their meal times for? And their general day to day routine including naps. Trying to implement some structure into our day x
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We normally do wake up and bottle in her cot bum change come downstairs have a play and have breakfast (she doesn’t drink a full bottle) then play some more dinner bottle mid afternoon nap time roughly around then, then tea playtime bottle and bed x times vary as she doesn’t wake up at the same time everyday and tbh we just wing it 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️x

Breakfast 8:30 lunch around 1/1:30 dinner around 5. Nap at 9:30 depending how long she naps will depend if she has another one sometimes she sleeps till 1/1:30. A 4 ounce bottle with her first nap and a 6 ounce bottle at bed. They might seem like big gaps between meals but she takes forever to eat so it’s not that long for her😂

Loose routine Wake 6:20 Down stairs 6:30 / bottle 8 breakfast 9:30 nap 12ish lunch 2:15 bottle 2:30 nap 5 dinner 6:45 bottle 7:15 bed

Wake up 8/8.30am Bottle 5oz 150ml 9/9.30am breakfast 11-1pm nap 1.30/2pm lunch 3pm bottle sometimes 3.30pm nap 2 length varies 5pm dinner 7pm bottle 8/8.30pm bottle and bedtime routine Sleeps through the night

Loose routine - wake up around 6.45, breastfed if haven’t fed in the night, 8am ish breakfast. Nap can be anytime from 10 as finding it’s being pushed out. Lunch is snacky bits as and when depending on nap! If there’s a second nap I try to make sure it’s happened and awake by 4pm (so anywhere from 2.30) but today is a 1 nap day… Dinner 6.30, bath and bed and asleep by 8ish.

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