
Is your 13.5 month old still having naps. Mine is still on 2 sometimes 3. And most recently she will sleep 2-3 hours at a time. Sometimes it’s only 1.5 hour but not very often. Just wondering what others LO are sleeping
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Mine was on one 3 hour nap. But this last week he’s dropped to 1-1.5 hours

My little girls lovesss her sleep, she has one in the morning about 1 and a half hour after she wakes then anything between an hour-2 hours in the afternoon

Mine is transitioning to one nap usually between 11.30-2ish. If he sleeps all that time, I wait till bedtime around 7.30pm. If he just has a hour or less earlier in the day I try and get him to have another short one in afternoon. Just changing his mealtimes now too so he has an early lunch before his nap and an earlier dinner

One nap, 1.5-2 hours. Any more and it disturbs her night sleep. How is your little ones night sleep since they sleep so much during the day?

@CeeCee my daughter goes 6:30pm till around 6am. She has just started walking so think that has something to do with it as she’s definitely tiring herself out🤣

@CeeCee she sleeps right through most nights. Goes to bed between 8-9 and wakes up any time between 6-7

@Zoe thats amazing! she must be on the higher end of sleep needs, long may it last lol 😍

@CeeCee she has always liked her sleep. Ohh definitely may it last. She was only having naps of 1-1.5/2 max but since walking and her jags she been sleeping a lot more.

1 -2 naps, if she has one it’s generally only a short 30/45 min and she won’t go off again later! Some days she will have 2 anything from 30-1.5 hours

Depends what we are doing so nursery days and weekends when we dont have much on he has 1 nap around 12 for anything up to 2hrs. If we are put and about he will usually have 2 in the car 1 on the way and 1 on the way back. We have never had a ridged routine so just go with when he seems tired.

@Dani same here we don’t go by routine just when she sleepy. So it’s different every day. She sleeps more with me than with in laws or childminder.

My baba only naps from 9am-10an to 1pm-2pm, and I'm loving it as I like going to bed early, so by 8 pm, he's knocked out until 6 am 😆

Grayson has one nap ranging from 1- 2 hours at 1:30-2pm, sometimes later but as long as he doesn't sleep past 5pm he still goes to bed fine

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