Our budget/lifestyle was perfect for the Doona. It’s just such an easy stroller and made having a newborn a breeze. Once our little guy outgrew Doona, we switched to Nuna and the travel stroller for Nuna. We visit family out of state, travel often and go to theme parks. That’s been our travel set thats made our lives seamless.
We use the babytrend ally 35 with the pop up stroller accessory for our newborn. We also have a fullsize babytrend stroller thats compatible with the carseat
I splurged on an Uppababy. Especially now that they have a lightweight car seat to compete with the nuna, it would have been an even easier choice. For me it honestly came down to convenience and I love that I could detach the car seat from the stroller with one hand…. So basic and simple. I also have friends who really love their maxi cosi system and the evenflo system. I think it’s important to also assess based on what your needs are. For me, I wanted one set up with no adapters, I wanted a separate bassinet than the seat (some systems have a convertible piece), I wanted one that could convert to a double system, and lastly, I wanted a carseat without flame retardant. So once you figure out what your needs are and what your desires are, it helps to simplify the process. If you can go to a baby store that has them on display that can be really helpful!!
Thanks so much everyone for their input. I think it’s safe bet to go to store and check it out myself.
I got the lion go Clek. It’s Canadian and has the best safety rating. For stroller I got the Uppa baby Cruz. I wanted the bugaboo fox 5 but word is it’s being discontinued. Everyone raves about the customer service for Uppa baby. Go to their show room in Leaside and you can get a custom stroller. Got Cruz over Vista bc it’s lighter and slimmer. + the 300 warranty. They have no issue with supply whereas many retailers are sold out bc ppl bought worried about the trump trade counter tariffs. Resale value is also very good. Decided not to go with Facebook market place - ppl were selling 4 year old Cruz for 800
Sorry. Liingo Clek.
Not doona. I mean it's great for what it is but there are much more functional options. To add to my comment, it's very heavy for you to carry around with a newborn in it while you're still healing. If you have a small car it can be very rough getting it in or also having to worry about cars parking too close next to you to the point that you're not able to get the door open enough to put it in. It also doesn't have a cup holder or storage unless you buy the extra storage, which is a hassle because you have to clip The accessories on and off every time you use its stroller function.