I feel this im on day 6 PP and I can't stop the anxious and terrified feelings and waves of sadness and doubting if I can even do this. This is my first baby and I don't want to let her down
I feel so tired and everything hurts, breastfeeding also make my Brest hurt and give me bad cramps like contractions like if I am in labor. My husband has helped a lot but I also have to take care of my baby and I just can’t wait to heal and be able to enjoy more my baby. Btw, going to the bathroom is a pain!
Same here. The early days/weeks are tough. I am not a crier, but I am day 5 pp and cry over the most random things right now. Can't wait until these hormones level out. I also cried because my 2 year old is no longer the baby. She does seem excited to have a little sister now, so that's good at least.