Feeling Guilty

I don’t know if it’s just me and I’ve become mega sensitive since having my little boy but I seem to come on to this app and end up feeling really deflated or guilty about how I’m parenting my son 🙈 He’s nearly 9 months we still contact nap, feed to sleep for most naps now and during the night, he isn’t the biggest fan still of food and doesn’t like bottles or cups much either ( he’s a booby guy). It’s now got to the point where I feel bad everytime he has a nap on me or the fact he still wakes loads in the night and I don’t feel ready to sleep train. Is anyone else feeling the same or have I gone completely crazy 🤪😂
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My baby feeds to sleep, contact naps. Co sleeps and wakes in the night for boob a lot. Some days she loves food and some days she's not bothered for it. We have a completely baby led routine which is different everyday

To me it sounds like you’re doing everything right. Your baby feels secure with you and prefers to be with mummy. They’re still babies and no need to rush independence (they’ll have plenty of that in the future). You’re tending to your baby’s needs and he feels seen and loved. My son loves contact napping and only falls asleep if we rock him to sleep. We bedshare as he feels much safer and sleeps much better when we wakes up and sees us next to him.

This is literally as though I’ve written it myself! We’re completely baby-led too ☺️

Although I’ll add that I don’t feel guilty at all! I’m following his cues completely & giving him everything he (not I) needs right now 🤍

Nothing to feel guilty about, you’re following his lead and giving him what he needs! Our society is so obsessed with making babies independent, but our babies are biologically designed to be close to us. I feed to sleep, contact nap, cosleep, baby wear etc, she’s not getting on super well with weaning and doesn’t take a bottle either. Did the same with my first baby and she’s so confident! You put the work in now and it pays off in the future, don’t stress about it!

My baby feeds to sleep and we still contact nap. If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. They’re only little for such a small amount of time, I’m in no rush.

Mama you are doing an amazing job and you keep doing what is best for you and your baby! I have these thoughts too sometimes as mine still contact naps and feeds to sleep but that works OK for us so no need to pressure myself to change anything right now. I'll start implementing some sleep training methods soon as I'd love for him to be placed in his cot and fall asleep on his own at some point when he's older but there's no rush for me to make him do that. Babies need us, they need our comfort, our reassurance, our warmth...theyre still so little so I'll be there for him just how he needs xxx

Thank you everyone really needed to hear this ❤️

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