Oh bless you, well I'm glad I'm not the only one! 🙈 It's been fine but my partner is going away for ten days in a couple of weeks and I want to be able to have some hands free time!
I could have written this too. She feeds to sleep which I’m trying to break but it just leads to tears same with the napping in the cot it just doesn’t happen and results in endless tears. She’s ok in there at night thank goodness but no idea how to stop the contact naps and it’s hard being the only one who can feed her and get her to sleep.
Honestly feel the same I’m so worried when I go back to work that she will just cry all day cause I’m not there 🥲
Yup I'm the same my little boy will happily go in at night and self soothe to sleep too. I do exact same routine in the day and he sleeps for 10mins then cries until I pick him up!!!
My little boy was like this the whole of maternity before he went to childcare!😂 long but gorgeous 9 months, you’ll miss it when they don’t x
no advice but we are in the same situation! I get one carrier nap a day but i hardly get anything done because if i stop rocking in front of white noise he wakes 🤣
My little boy has suddenly, literally just randomly, started napping independently in his crib! I don’t know why, I’ve not done anything, I just layed him down the other day when he was dowsing off as my arm was aching, and he rolled over and went to sleep!!!! I was so so shocked as he’s been an exclusive contact napper since day 1 and now he’s happily sleeping alone!!?? I actually hate it and I’ve cried everytime he’s fallen asleep independently😂 but just to say, things can change overnight, no rhyme or reason, babies do their own thing whenever they’re ready! Enjoy the contact naps whilst you can, because I’m devastated 😂😭
No advice but the same! I’m just making the most of them and reading, and going for walks with the pram for naps. I figure he won’t do it forever. I keep trying and one day I’m sure he will fall asleep in his cot for a nap. He sleeps in it all night! And falls asleep in it. So there’s hope! X
My girl is 5 months on Tuesday and been a contact napper since day one, I’ve been trying naps in the next2me but it isn’t happening, she gets so stressed. She can soothe herself in there at night though 🥴😂 I’m gonna just keep trying and hope that one day she will 😂 x
We have never napped on own. We have been been putting him flat on our laps to sleep for a few days now, and trying to get him to go to sleep almost flat. yesterday I got him in a snoozepod asleep and stayed there for 30 mins, the dream!
Hard one! Mine used to be the same. What I did is started feeding earlier for naps and sleep so then I would just put her to bed rocking, wait until she was in deeper sleep and then put her into crib bum first, hand on nappy and then head down. In the beginning she would wake up 10min after being in the crib but again I took that as a win. Now I put her straight down on her side and pat her bum which seems to be working for her. Her naps are generally 20-40min and I think that’s the case for this age. The last two nights has somehow put herself to sleep at night which also surprised me so I am just keep repeating the process of putting her down pat her a bit and then leave when she is happy. (I haven’t left her to put herself to sleep during naps as the room is quite bright and gets distracted). If she fights the process to much is she take her out of sleeping bag and sleep space after 15min have cuddles and play somewhere and then try again. It has generally worked. Hope it helps.
My last baby was a contact napper. Stayed that way u til 20.months old ..i embraced the cuddles x
Same here! Contact naps only and rocking and shushing to sleep 😴 night sleep in next to me cot * mostly. Don't know what to do to change that but CIO is not the way for us 😕 tried once and couldn't cope longer than 3 minutes 🫠😢🥹
No advice but were the same, she will contact nap fine, as soon as she’s in her cot she wakes after 15mins 😅