Tongue tie cut or not?

Curious if any of you ladies have been told your baby's tongue tie was fine and didn't need to be cut and have decided to get it cut anyway please? I'm EBF, my 3w 5d old girl has a tongue tie - wasn't picked up on in hospital despite difficulty getting her to latch a lot of the time but then the community midwife saw it on day 3. We saw a breastfeeding specialist midwife a few days after this who told me that as long as she is feeding ok and gaining weight it wouldn't pose any issues for the future, including no speech issues? Is this correct? I am seeing quite a bit of contradicting information that it can affect speech and other things later in life if it isn't cut but I'm so unsure what to trust. Not sure if it's because I think she's going through a growth spurt but this week her latch hasn't been great, quite lazy and has been causing some soreness. She's been very fussy at the boob, takes ages to actually latch or just pulls off very quickly. She will feed for anywhere between 4 and 18 minutes. I've also noticed that when she's sleeping her tongue doesn't sit at the roof of her mouth. She is however gaining weight very well, birth weight was 5lb 11oz and she is now 7lb! Lots of wet and dirty nappies and feeds usually over 12 times a day. Has anyone experienced something similar please? I don't want them to fob me off because she's doing well but also don't want her to suffer later in life if we don't get it revised! Thank you in advance xx
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My baby had a 80% tongue tie and couldn’t latch onto boob or bottle had to go private have it cut was the best thing I did I have a tongue tie I’ve had for 20 years with no issues at all x

My son what is tongue tied and I think the best decision I made was for them to fix it. Later in life, it can cause a speech problems. Get it fixed now that she’s a little younger. She won’t remember it. It’s traumatizing for us as mothers but trust me it’s so worth it.

@Danielle was it causing issues with feeding before you had it done? X

@Issobel thank you so much! I have been looking at private at feel like my health visitor will probably try saying it doesn't need doing! X

It’s always worth doing it just in case of issues in future like speech issues xx

My son had a lip and tongue tie we got released and I think it helped him. However, I do not agree that it is always worth doing. It's a low risk provide but a medical procedure none the less. So, if it doesn't need to be done, less intervention is already better (if it's unnecessary). If you're worried, it's best to get a second (or third) opinion. And there is indeed the potential for future issues like speech issues but that often depends on the severity and location of the tie.

Midwives all said my son had a mild tongue tie and as he was gaining weight etc to not bother doing anything. He had awful trapped wind, reflux etc so we went private and he actually had two severe tongue ties and almost no tongue function in areas. Had it cut there and then and it was a massive improvement overnight

@Lauren thank you for all this information! That list of symptoms is super helpful and things my girl is suffering with alot that I hadn't realised could be possibly caused by the tie, so really good to know. Thank you 😊

I always said my son has a tongue tie but no doctor would not listen always said he’s fine even tho his tongue is a shame of a top of the hart my new health visitor came few months ago and she said oh dose look like one he always been fussy with the bottle since day one and now he’s 8 months old he should be eating lumpy food we been trying since 7 month with the 7+ month lumpy food but all he dose is gags choke the vomit everywhere no doctor or health visitor will help now they say it’s his age he’s 8 months so can’t be referred 🙄so we had to go private he’s got his first appointment Monday thank god but don’t let the doctors fob you off they did with me x

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