Hair dye

Struggling to decide whether or not to colour my hair. I usually do my own every 3/4 months but haven't coloured it all pregnancy. It's starting to get me down, I think colouring it will help me feel a little more like me again but is it safe? 34 is very confusing. I've read not to colour in the first few weeks PP due to hormones?
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I have coloured my hair with my usual and been absolutely fine. Of course everyone will be different. Maybe do a patch test first? I felt so much more better for dying my hair, because it was really starting to look grey/dull. Another option could be looking into a more natural henna hair dye?

@Iona yes I was thinking to do a patch test just to be safe. I use the John freida foam colour so it's only on for 20 mins and is more just roots and a top up on length rather than a whole head dye and I can do it with the bathroom window open

Yes leaving the window open for food ventilation is always a good idea. This is baby number 4 for me and I've always dyed my hair in all of my pregnancies. I know that doesn't mean it's safe, but patch test could be good for peace of mind :)

My friend is a hairdresser and said I should do a patch test first, as pregnancy can change how you react to it…that’s what I’m going to do this weekend as my roots are so bad that it’s getting me down as well so can totally relate

I've dyed my hair last week 😬

I use ammonia free hair dye- Josh wood. It’s great and doesn’t have strong smell. 👌

I’ve coloured my hair since 12 weeks, I use box dye but just try to find a more natural brand with no ammonia ect. I think they say not to because it’s more likely to cause an allergic reaction because of the hormones, rather than being a risk to baby so maybe just do a patch test before if your unsure xx

Please always patch test as the hormones can change your skin which. May cause a. Reaction, you may want to test a bit aswelll. To make sure. It will take but you should be ok just. Keep In a well ventilated room, I am qualified and there’s nothing to say you can’t have it. Done. Some people just choose. Not to due to ammonia and chemicals but as long as. You patch. Test, test strand and well ventilated area you will be fine x

@Tanya do you find this has a warm undertone? I’m after a cool tone but it’s so hard to find in box dyes

@Abs is there a particular range you recommend?

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