I use aveeno! For myself and my daughter, anything else made her eczema flare sadly we can’t do anything scented either 😭 I used the aquaphor baby cream for diaper rash but those were rare for us
Destin diaper rash and Aveeno EVERYTHING.🩷🩷
Thanks ladies! I'll definitely go with Aveeno then, it seems to be the choice 🩵 I'll look into these ointment, tysm!!
Aveeno or Mustela for baths
I use dove bar soap for bath time & triple paste for diaper cream.
Was gonna say Aveeno as well! We use the blue A&D for diaper cream because I'm allergic to lanolin, which is in a ton of baby creams.
As far as diaper rash cream goes I am stuck to Dr Bordeaux’s butt paste. And when I first brought my babies home I used aveeno for bathtime. I like to stick to one brand for everything that way if an allergy pops up I know what to eliminate