Marie stopes counsellors can talk through your thoughts with you. But that guy does not deserve to be your friend
@Kerry couldn’t agree more. I wouldn’t want to be friends with a man like that, so he can take his backhanded offer and shove it where the son doesn’t shine. You want to have unprotected sex but don’t want the responsibility of a child, that’s an oxymoron. Do what YOU want to do, remove him out the equation
He wants to have sex with you and stay with his ex. Block him and move on with your life. If you want to have a baby you can definitely do it alone. Hard but worth it.
He's not your best friend, let alone your friend from his actuons. You can take him out of the equation because friends don't try to manipulate or control their friends to terminate a pregnancy, or leave them for their exes. Sit down and take him out of the equation, without his threats, what would you want to do? That's all that matters.