Have the toddler come in bed with me! Not ideal for everyone I know but he’s asleep within 5 minutes if we do it that way. If I try and settle him in his own bed it can take ages - time I don’t have with a waking newborn and a husband that works away 😂
I always go to my toddler first. Check on him, comfort him, and explain to him that baby is also awake and I need to tend to him. Baby doesn't know he is being "ignored" for a moment. But my toddler does know when he is being "ignored". So I put his feelings first. I tend to baby and then if toddler is still awake I go back to him after tending to baby. This has cause my toddler to learn how to fall asleep on his own! Its been great!
How old is the toddler?
@@Kate hes 26 months
My husband works nights so is often just me. I take baby into toddlers room, sit in bed with her whilst I feed baby. Sometimes it’s a bit like patting my head and rubbing my tummy where both hands are required 😂😂