What would you do..

If your toddler and newborn wake during the night at the same time.. what would you do? For context if my toddler wakes it takes us stroke his back until he falls asleep again.. sometimes that can take forever 😅 just preparing myself for if my partner isn’t here overnight
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My husband works nights so is often just me. I take baby into toddlers room, sit in bed with her whilst I feed baby. Sometimes it’s a bit like patting my head and rubbing my tummy where both hands are required 😂😂

Have the toddler come in bed with me! Not ideal for everyone I know but he’s asleep within 5 minutes if we do it that way. If I try and settle him in his own bed it can take ages - time I don’t have with a waking newborn and a husband that works away 😂

I always go to my toddler first. Check on him, comfort him, and explain to him that baby is also awake and I need to tend to him. Baby doesn't know he is being "ignored" for a moment. But my toddler does know when he is being "ignored". So I put his feelings first. I tend to baby and then if toddler is still awake I go back to him after tending to baby. This has cause my toddler to learn how to fall asleep on his own! Its been great!

How old is the toddler?

@@Kate hes 26 months

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