
Has anyone stayed with a cheater (that has cheated more than once) and it worked out? So torn with what to do
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There are too many diseases going around to be allowing cheating imo

So true and he already gave me Some of those 😢😢

He cheated once & I packed his shit changed the locks & told him have a nice life

So sorry you’re experiencing that. But in my own experience, they have never changed, and it has nothing to do with you & everything with themselves so don’t ever let it disrupt your confidence or make you insecure! They only get better at hiding it. For example, I was with an ex who cheated and he “got it together” (or so I thought) and 8 months later come to find out he’s been seeing/talking to other girls the whole time.. it’s definitely heart breaking but eye opening. Set boundaries! And stand on that! My advice is leave when you’re comfortable, but don’t let it destroy you, especially if you have a little one to take care of because it can be so draining.. wishing you the best.

Exactly if it weren’t for your health I would say “F it” if monogamy isn’t that important for you.. it’s not for everyone. You don’t want him to end up giving you something you can’t take a pill for

I’m commenting so I can read the responses from other mamas cuz I don’t understand being torn abt staying with cheater. It’s pretty black & white; no grey areas. Honestly U should have left the first time he cheated on u X. I’m so sorry ur going thru this bt u have to start choosing urself

@Jennifer do you ever regret it??

Honestly if they cheat multiple times they gonna keep doing it. The only options is to leave or just get used to it

Not that I am aware of haha. You should leave him! You deserve better than this guy.

O my, hes giving you stds from cheating and you stayed... love definitely is blind... leave before you get something you can't get rid of.. and I don't just mean him...

O my, hes giving you stds from cheating and you stayed... love definitely is blind... leave before you get something you can't get rid of.. and I don't just mean him...

He did unfortunately give me herpes which is why I also haven’t left as I don’t think anyone else will want me. Easier to just stay with him

I 100% get that... don't you only have to declare it if you have a flare up? X

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