Pram naps

Does anyone’s LO’s not nap in their pram? I find it so hard if we’re out for the day as he thinks he’s missing out and won’t sleep in the pram only at home or reluctantly in the car. Anyone have tips on how to make it work?
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To get my little girl to pram nap i have to use the footmuff or a blanket so shes wrapped up and put white noise on and march around like a crazy lady 🤣 she does sleep tho but only usually for about 45 mins

@Emma the marching around for ages used to work for us but now he just cries and I feel too bad 😭

My LB will rarely sleep in his pushchair now... used to sleep for ages in it but also doesn't seem to like being in his pushchair much now at all 😅 x

@Keira exactly the same here!!

My little girl never has! Always home for naps 😴

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