It's a journey but I feel like I've arrived at the mind set that allows me to enjoy motherhood fully and not fear it.
The thing that gave me the most anxiety was my exhusband who thought it was funny to give one year olds coffee and his family to watch the babies without my presence because all of their kids were… not how wanted to raise mine and then when they’d be with him after we split because they’d always come home smelling funny and then when he had a woman around the kids that didn’t have all of her kids and moved across the country to be with him… but didn’t know he sucked as a dad But like besides those things? 🤣 pretty confident no mom guilt just man induced anxiety One thing I learned in soccer is if you hesitate the play isn’t usually going to work out in your favor
Sometimes a bit of Guilt and anxiety but most of times I m very ok with my parenting, presence for my child, ...
I’m confident in my decisions and choices but still experience guilt and anxiety 😬
@GMF I see, do you dwell on the bad decisions / guilt or do you experience and move on quickly?
@Amanda it probably depends on the day lol. Like my logical brain will know one thing to be true but then my anxious brain makes me worry about it. Some of it is needing to just block out external societal stuff (because thankfully I don’t really get this from my circle of family and friends). Like for example - I am 100% a better mom because I work outside of the house. My 3 year old goes to daycare. He absolutely thrives there and loves it! He’s an extrovert and he has so many friends and the teachers genuinely care for him and are part of our village, even if we pay them. Some people will make you feel like daycare is the devil and so horrible all around. I know he has a secure attachment to me and I don’t waver in my thinking about that, but sometimes that outside stuff still tries to push its way in, you know? Or sometimes our pediatrician will try to tell us stuff I don’t necessarily agree with and I have no issue telling her that!
And to clarify about the pediatrician I’m talking about stuff like her telling us to sleep train and I just say yeah I’m not going to do that. Or we did baby led weaning and she told me she prefers the more traditional way. That’s fine, but it’s my child and I make decisions that are best for our family. I just got my newborn’s lip tie released even though our pediatrician tried to say she didn’t have one and she thinks it’s overdiagnosed. Even if I were “wrong” and the procedure were unnecessary, my pain matters too and I would have had to stop nursing. For me the risk-benefit analysis makes sense because I can continue giving her breast milk. Same thing happened with my son and I went on to nurse him for 22 months instead of having to stop. I have no issue speaking up and doing what I feel is best for my children.
Me. I don’t have anxiety, I don’t have social anxiety. I try my best to be empathic to those who do but I’ve never felt it myself. I don’t have much mum guilt, I know I’m doing the best I can every day w what I have and the resources around me, if he’s sick or it’s raining and we spend a whole day inside on the couch watching movies then so be it, it is what it is. I don’t beat myself up for it, I give myself grace. I can drown out the noise of society and know the decisions I make is in the best interest of me and my baby and my family, nothing else and no one else’s negative opinion matters. Same as Kapp above I’m a go w the flow mum, I don’t stress about things that haven’t happened yet and are “what ifs” I deal with it when and if it arrives. My bestie is much like me I think that’s why we get on and understand each other so well, just very spontaneous go w the flow type people.
I have always been pretty confident in my choices as a parent. I feel most of this comes very natural to me, I’m a very go w the flow mom