@Lauryne oh no really! Did you have to cut dairy out of your diet?
@Demi Yes she’s just turned 2 and we still don’t eat dairy! It was a pretty easy switch to be honest, it took a few weeks to get used to checking ingredients on everything but you get to know which of your usual foods have/don’t have dairy and there’s sooo many alternatives in shops now! ASDA, Tesco, Sainsbury’s have great ‘free from’ and plant based sections. We switched to oat milk, plant butter, coconut yogurts (she has a soya intolerance too, common with cmpa!). Any time I’ve had an accidental bit of milk her eczema has flared up so I know it’s still affecting her. I’m in no rush to reintroduce dairy for her to built a tolerance yet, we’re working on egg first 😅
I really recommend cutting it for a few weeks and seeing if your little one improves, it’s such a common allergy! My girl is cows milk, soya, egg, and peanut intolerant so it’s worth checking with other common allergens if cutting dairy doesn’t do it
It could be reflux :) x
My little one was exactly the same, he was diagnosed with reflux and was given infant Gaviscon, solved the problem within a few days
We had a period like this at about 4 weeks where little girl would bring up milk after feeds. She'd never been a sicky baby before that. It seemed to be because my milk supply had suddenly increased, probably after an intense cluster feeding time. She was really gulping down the milk and struggling to cope with a fast letdown. It did settle down by itself but feeding in a more upright position helped some. Like koala hold or similar. Check with your HV or GP if you're concerned though x
My son did this- my letdown is just really fast! Try reclining while nursing so gravity is working against the milk. Or you can press down on your breast near your areola to compress the ducts and slow the flow. You can also stick your finger in his mouth to break him off to burp him. I had to break my son off and burp him about 3x per feed for a while. He’s better at latching and feeding now so I don’t have to do that anymore :)
This was CMPA for us x