
My little boy is the most sweetest & caring little boy ever. All he does is smile and is happy. He started nursery last August to help him. He has been great so far. Until recently he is NOT listening to me or his dad, will shake his head no at us(he can’t speak just yet) he will soon be 3. And now he keeps pushing things throwing toys, pushing his brother. Laughs or smiles at us when giving him a row. Is this normal?? It’s just really not like him at all and I’m sure I’ve seen somewhere on here about it could be down to nursery idk…😭😭
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Sounds pretty normal for an almost 3 year old they start pushing boundaries and exhibiting different behaviours to see what they can get away with. They call that stage threenager for a reason. Xx

Threenager😭🤣 have never heard this before!! Made me giggle. Yeah he’s certainly pushing boundaries anyway lol xx

Yep they can be little nightmares as they learn to navigate what they can and can't get away with and they learn so many new skills as well. Thing to remember its only a season xx

Totally normal behaviour. My 2 YO is the same and answering back etc but again, it’s just pushing boundaries, as frustrating as it seems

He is coming to threenager age, very normal.

It’s probably part terrible 2’s and part him picking up behaviors from the other kids.

My almost two year old is the same pushing boundaries hitting and pushing nursery said they’re all doing it atm it’s just a phase stay strong

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