Sleep refusal

Anybody's little ones just point blank refusing to nap? She sleeps fine theough the night (mostly - usually only 1 wake up between midnight and 7am) but she often refuses to nap at all. Her longest record is 14 hours with no sleep. Today she woke up at 4, fell asleep again at maybe 4.45, woke up at 7 and has had a 22min, 9min and 25 min sleep. So less than an hour over all since 7am and she's been breastfeeding for majority of that time 😩 What works for getting your babies down for naps? Normally she falls asleep feeding or being cuddled and I can just pop her in the pram but it's just not working at all today 😭
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Have you tried white noise?

@Coadie unfortunately I have a toddler who absolutely HATES it 🙃

Same my 12 week old has not napped properly at all today. Minute shes going in the next to me shes waking up ..isnt drinking much at all aswell

Around now is a big development stage for them! If you look up the 4 month regression that’s most likely it. My boy has been the same starting from yesterday evening and all of today and now tonight! The downside is this is the hardest regression the plus side is this is the hardest 😂

My baby is the same he had about 30 min nap yesterday and only because he was in the car. He sleeps the same on a night as yours so can't complain too much!

We ended up having a 6 hour nap today so thank god for that! Yesterday was maybe just a rough patch 🙈 She's definitely more of a super long nap but only 2-3 times a day kind of baby I think!

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