What warm drink do you give your baby before bed?

My health visitor says I shouldn’t give my 8oz bottle of cow’s milk (in a MAM bottle) before bed because the sugar can settle on her gums overnight. She suggested warm water instead, but that feels odd to me. What do you give your babies as a warm bedtime drink?
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LO’s still EBF but she’s sometimes not interested otherwise she doesn’t get a warm bedtime drink - yes the sugar in the cows milk can rot the teeth overnight xx

I give 9oz cows milk in a bottle and brush teeth before he has it. I know it's not what's recommended but I was fed like this and I don't have rotten teeth x

8oz Cows milk in mam bottle also, we brush teeth at bath time as my little girl still feeds to sleep at night time more or less every night! As above has said it’s not recommended but impossible to get teeth brushed afterwards (for now) I’m sure eventually we’ll all get into a routine of bottle, teeth then settle for bed 💕 I wouldn’t worry too much for now

Same here 9oz warm cows milk in mam bottle, not concerned for now x

Still give milk before bed just brush his teeth after x

I’m pretty sure most people give cows milk to babies right before bed. Agree with Rachel - we all prob had it, and teeth were fine. Sometimes I think the health visitors are just trying to make life harder!

We do 5-6oz in a MAM bottle and then brush her teeth. It works for us so do what works for you xx

I give cows milk in a mam bottle. Just brush their teeth too

7oz in a mam bottle. Brush baby teeth before in bath and also in the morning after milk feed and breakfast

My LO doesn't have milk before bed. We give water but not warm! In fact she stopped drinking the milk a while back now of her own accord. When she did have milk we would drink the milk, clean her teeth, have a story then bed. I would just brush his teeth afterwards and make that your new routine x

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