Best breast pumps?

As a first time mum I've been doing my research into different brands and types of breast pumps. And it's all very overwhelming! Does anyone have any personal experience or recommendations of pumps they've tried/like?
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As a massive overview, it depends what you’re looking for, your price bracket, and what you’re expecting to achieve with it. For example, if you’re looking to exclusively pump, Vs maybe once a day or once a week, or for a one off occasion (like leaving babe with a family member for the occasional weekend away). Price is straightforward. And the final element would be whether you’re looking for manual, battery electric or plug in electric; these will intrinsically link to how you expect to use it (on the go, etc). Consider also if you have other children/physical responsibilities to keep to. If that makes sense 😅

Thank you. For extra info; Planning to do a mix of breast feeding and pumping (so the husband can do some bottle feeds too) Looking for something not insanely expensive but I'm happy to pay a bit more for something that won't break straight away. Ideally plug electric or hands free electric

@Becca pretty good summary. Another thing you want to consider is kits and bottles if you're going down that route. For example, some pumps let you attach the same brand bottles and bags to help you store the milk. @Tamara I've not tried it personally but I've had a few recommendations for the Momcozy M9 hands free pumps, particularly for going back to work. Boots have a good deal on at the moment but they're £100-200 for a set. There are some good general review websites out there comparing brands that are worth a Google for. Some good Reddit pages as well, particularly with advice for if you're considering second hand.

Highly recommend momcozy s9 pro

I had 5 different pumps ranging from the expensive hands free to Walmart. The hands free was my least favorite I never used my favorite was my Spectra S2 plus that my insurance paid for n then the Lanisoh was my 2nd favorite

Momcozy m5 is best in my opinion for many reasons

I will advice you to go for manual

I used Elvie Stride (single) and loved it. Never had issues with it, pumped once a day every day for 9 months. I did have to buy a different size bread shield to find my nipple

I had the tommee tippee double electric pump and I loved it. It was the only pump that emptied my boobs. I tried a couple but this was my favourite I think it will be a case of finding the right pump for you. I had some friends recommend some pumps for me but I would only get a maximum of 4oz per pump, with my tommee tippee I could get 11oz per pump

I’d advise waiting until baby is here to actually purchase - for whatever reason you may not be able to breastfeed or express and don’t want to have wasted a tonne of money. I breastfed successfully for a year, but couldn’t pump more than 1oz. My expensive breast pump now sits gathering dust in the back of a cupboard 😂

@Sarah maybe sell it on vinted or eBay better than it just sitting there bit of money back xx

I found a breast pump that’s very affordable as most pumps are expensive. It has many reviews and rated 4.7/5 stars!

I used both a manual and electric with my first. I bought medela. X

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