
When is it an issue that my baby doesn’t babble and what is classed as babbling? She’s 9 months and makes noise constantly but no ‘ma, da, ba’ sounds. She makes an ooo sound all the time 🤷🏻‍♀️
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My little man goes mmmm or hisses 😂😂

Same here my LO is the same 🤷‍♀️

I actually got referred to a paediatrician because my LO didn't babble. But during the appointment the paediatrician said she wasn't concerned because he was still making different noises, she said actual babbling will come when he's ready.

I spoke to my son's Health Visitor about this, this morning. He's 9 months today. He doesn't babble "Ma/Ba/Da" etc. But makes "Ah" "Oh" "Mmm" "Guh" sounds all day every day. She told me not to worry as long as he is making some sounds, responds to his name, and starts to show understanding of terms such as "come here/to me" etc. She just said to continue reading/singing and talking a lot and it will come in it's own time. Funnily enough this afternoon when I was changing him it sounded like he said "Mamama" and I was shocked and repeated "Mama" then I swear he said "Dada" clear as day.. then I repeated "Dada" and he made a "Whaa?" Sound and stopped🤣. But the fact he's not done it since is making me question whether I actually heard it haha. I was super worried tbh, but the fact the HV isn't worried at all has eased my mind a lot

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