He’s a LIARRRR🤪 You will likely need a Axkid movekid/minikid 4 once she reaches a good size for it. The Joie will only see you until about 2.5 years old ish xx
Thank you he said the Swedish testing doesn't include side impact which i don't find believeable. I had my eye on the axkid ones. Thank you, I will probably hold off until she outgrows the infant carrier just incase a better model comes out in that time! The joie one is just good as a spare in my husband's car.
lol what a load of crap he’s spouting 😂. Swedish testing is the best in the world. Definitely wait til bubba grows out of infant carrier and then do some research. It’s a good idea to plot her growth on the centiles chart in her red book as that’ll give you an indication of whether to get a 25kg or 36kg seat x
@Sarah I didn't even know they did a 36! Almost certain she will need that then. As my niece is 3 and she's 22kg! We're a very tall family🤣
@Chloe I’ve just bought an axkid movekid for my 8 month who is 11kg already. My eldest is 3.5 and 18kg and is in an Axkid minikid 2 . Both great seats would recommend - they do take a lot of room up from the front seats tho as they’re tethered so bear that in mind. You might be driving with your knees up to your chest like I am 🤣
@Sarah thank you! Are you in a big car too? Is there a retailer in the UK where you can see them in person?
I think safe journey car seats will be your closest retailer, you can try seats out in your car to find the best fit for you & baby :)
@Chloe I drive a F Pace so it’s not small…..but there’s now not a lot of room 😂. There are independent retailers dotted across the UK which you should be able to find via google. I’m in Kent and when I was looking a couple years ago for my eldest my closest one wasn’t close at all - a couple hours away. I don’t know if that’s still the case or if there are more now John Lewis has just started selling Axkids
Just to note, I highly doubt any John Lewis employees are trained in car seat safety at all, and you definitely won’t get any aftercare with them even if they do sell them x
I recently got an axkid movekid for my 6mo who is already over 11kg and it’s brilliant and not too bulky compared to other ERF seats that go up to 36kg. I have a Corsa and it fits perfectly behind the passenger seat without losing any leg room in the front! There’s lots of really good ERF car seat safety groups on Facebook with car seat experts who will be able to advise you further, I joined lots and found it super helpful in choosing the seat for my large bubba! 😊
Salesman is talking out his arse 💩 Extended rear facing seats are the safest and are typically Swedish tested x