@Justina Thank you we have rare chances to as it is anyway. Idk if it makes sense to still live here or just move & try to make it work as a single mom
Think about yourself and always put yourself first
@Justina You're right thank you!
Welcome hun. Think about the other way round . Women sacrifice so much but men are so selfish and will always put themselves first . You can message me if you like some more advice. Good luck xx
@Justina Too true we're so selfless & maybe that's why I feel guilty when I'm not being that. I appreciate the offer to chat too that's very kind 🫶🏾
My sex drive didn't come back till my girl was about 1.5 years... even now it's still hit and miss, but still better. Such a selfish thing to break up over... I hope you find a man who respects and treats you right
@Cindy Thats probably how it'd be for me too so Ig we just wouldn't work out anyway. Thank you
Staying will make you more hurt as he has decided what he wants and he will do it if his not already. To protect yourself move to your mum's and co parent and switch off from him sexually don't let him think he can use you when he feels like it. Unless you can kick him out of course. Also he is a horrible person.
Do not co-live with this boy, he will still use you when it benefits him and emotionally you will be the one suffering. Id move to your moms if she allows you to, let him go and let him take care of his kids by himself, share custody, and see if he has much time to find anyone who actually wants him or if he has much of a sex drive when he actually has to take care of his kids by himself. Get a job, get yourself together, feel pretty for you again and forget about him and watch another wonderful man come into your life who will do the most for you and your kids. Then you’ll know why it wasn’t ever going to work out with someone less than great for you. Hugs to you, hang in there and you got this! 🩷
My daughter’s father left me basically because of that….. during my first trimester I tried but felt sick..second trimester I wasn’t feeling okay having sex and as time went on I felt no desire…he also wasn’t being affectionate with me so I couldn’t even tell if he wanted me when I did want him ( even if it wasn’t sex relaxed) he never asked how I was feeling or anything he assumed since I was pregnant sex was going to be there …like a steak or something. then once I had the baby i was trying to be myself there but once I felt like I was there he had enough on waiting for me and basically cheated on me the whole time while I was pregnant behind my back by my talking to someone new and after my daughter was 5 months be broke it off with me out of the blue and he’s now in a while we relationship. I would say if he’s not understanding of what you’re going through then he’s just not the one for you…a true man would support and help and try to be there for you and find ways to love you.
That man is very inconsiderate and doesn’t care about you knowing you have three kids you’re looking after and a 7 month old . I have a 9 month old and my sex drive is still shit . He doesn’t deserve you