HCG levels

Hey all. According to my app I am 4 weeks tomorrow. I already was lucky enough to go to my first appointment for blood work and confirmation as well as an internal sonogram where nothing was to see yet. I received my results back today on levels and I would love some help understanding before Tuesday my next appointment. HCG level is 34 My progesterone is 29.6 How am I looking lol ? I’m open to any advice. Facts. Opinions. At this stage I haven’t told anyone but my parents so I’m just looking for some kind of joy within here lol.
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When I was pregnant I was told that it was more important to check if the HCG levels were roughly doubling every couple days, so I got 2 blood tests, not sure about progesterone. But got told anywhere between 10 and 700 for HCG is normal for around 4 weeks so that sounds about right

progesterone is a great number! HCG is variable for each person. need a repeat draw in 48 hours to see that 34 double at least!

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