Breastfeeding+bottle feeding
Not sure if I'm the only one so thought I'd check with this group.
When my baby was around 6 weeks, there was one breastfeeding session when he got fussy at my boobs. So I ended up giving him a bottle with pumped milk to ensure he was eating enough. And then another time the same day after he finished breastfeeding, I gave him a bottle again and he ended up having around 0.7 ounces. Ever since I have been pumping after feeding him and giving him a bottle after every feed in the day. Most sessions he'll have anywhere from 0.2 to 1.5 ounces from the bottle after I am done nursing him. The main reason I do this is to ensure he is consuming as many calories as possible during the day so we can reduce nighttime feeds and for the most part he only needs one nighttime feed between 8pm to 7am so it looks like it may be working. I told this to our pediatrician who seemed okay with it and recommended I continue whatever I'm doing because the baby was gaining weight really well too. Obviously this is a lot of effort and I don't plan on doing this when baby starts solids but curious to know if there are other mammas who breastfeed and pump to top up with bottle feed after every session.
i do, sometimes i dont think shes getting enough from the boob. so i breast feed and give her a 2oz bottle after