Birth Control

I'm 6 months post partum. Things have been really rough. My PPD has been bad and I feel like I can function for shit. I really don't want to have another baby right now and I really want to work on myself. I feel like I'm failing as a mom and partner because of my mental health issues. I've thought about getting on birth control so I wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant and maybe even getting some hormonal stability. However, I'm really nervous about side effects, especially with breastfeeding and my body still healing from birth. I'm also scared it's going to make things worse. I honestly feel stuck. My boyfriend feels uneasy about it because he worries about my health and how it will affect me, but he also is being supportive in whatever I decide. I'm needing some outside input. What should I do?
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I would speak to a doctor about both and mention your concerns, if you don't want hormonal birth control there are other options.

I had really bad PND/PPD and went back on the pill and it made me even more depressed!! I’d personally avoid the pill or any hormonal contraception. Do you have an OB you can talk too?

I’ve been on the mini pill it’s estrogen free so it’s great for breast feeding as well plus it’s low hormone so it didn’t mess with my hormones much at all I’d definitely discuss progesterone birth control options

@Jess Yes I do! I just wanted to see outside opinions as well! ❤️

Def talk to your doctor but FIRST do a blood work and see how your hormones are doing. PPD can often be cured by taking the right supplements. Look up the effect of lack of progesterone in postpartum and see if there’s any birth control that’s progesterone based and how it might help you. PPD should be treated, it’s not meant to just suffer through and wait for it to pass.

Use condoms!

I don’t do well on birth control so I’d opt out. I think you should get a blood panel done by your OBGYN or primary care doctor to make sure everything else looks okay, it may not be a hormonal issue. It would be beneficial to continue taking a prenatal vitamin while breastfeeding as well as an additional supplement for any vitamins you may be deficient in. A huge part of feeling your best/ self care is making sure you’re getting proper nutrition. I dealt with migraines and depression for years only to find out I was deficient in Vitamin D and Magnesium- I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t take a random blood test out of curiosity. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to know

I recommend cycle tracking PLUS condoms PLUS pulling out. I love Ovia app for tracking my fertile window/ menstruation.

I would look at non hormone options

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