Copper IUD
Vasectomy 😁
Hormonal IUD has been awesome for me. No periods, minimal pp hair loss & no impact to my milk supply.
Condoms for me. You can't have estrogen while breast feeding it can lower your supply. So copper coil or mini pill
Nexplanon! And I have an oversupply,,,
@Shayla don’t they have a class action against them. You may want to look into that
Idk tbh
I don’t want any IUDs or anything like that so my OB offered me a pill that is safe while breastfeeding. It’s called Heather I think. But since im not having sex and don’t have a partner I haven’t been taking it lol
@Helen would recommend pairing with a spermicide!
@Finn we religiously check the condom after and I don't have sex when it's my fertile window just incase.
I asked my OB 100 times and she said nexplanon would not affect supply
Copper coil