U didn’t do anything. He will in his own time or maybe he’s just not interested. When u say never u mean both ways? My little girl use to roll front to back once she learn to follow back to tummy but she has stop or does it at her own convenience which is rarely. So it might be a case that he just doesn’t want to. But I wouldn’t be too worried. He might surprise u one day
@Jody yes he’s never rolled either way! A couple times recently he’s stretched out in to his side from back to front but he’s never gone fully over xx
Mine is the same age and hasn't rolled yet, he gets to his side but can't go over - he's a big boy and I think it's tricky for him 😅 but he can sit for a few seconds before falling! My daughter rolled at 4 months but then couldn't sit until 7 months, they're all so different!
@Gemma this is reassuring 🥺 he can get to his side but can’t go over but he can also sit for a few seconds! Xx
My girl is 6 months next week and hasn’t rolled unassisted either way. And shows no interest dispute trying all the things to encourage. She does sit unaided and is showing signs or wanting to be on the move. You’ve done nothing wrong. They’ll do what they want to do when they want to do it. I think she’ll skip the whole rolling thing and just get up and walk one day ahaha!
Rolling is one of those milestones that are highlighted to look out for but there are so many other indicators that they're developing within accepted time frames like sitting, hand eye coordination, giggling, bringing objects too their mouth, grabbing their feet, showing preferences for adults, they have a lot to learn and they each put their energy into different things!
My LG is 6 months and hasn’t rolled. After having my first I learnt not to compare, I spent so much time worrying about what she couldn’t do, all babies and kids are so different, just enjoy them 🥰 My mum always says, you don’t know any 30 year olds who can’t roll or sit, it’ll happen!
My little one only started rolling the week he was turning 6 months. Don’t stress, they all do it in their own time. For weeks previous, he was trying to do it and managing to get on to his side but not fully over then one day he just done it and won’t stop now x
He will, all in his own time. Enjoy the peace while you can. Xx
We're just reaching 6m and it's only the last couple of days she's been consistently looking over her shoulders when she's lying down and like she's ready to roll regularly. Otherwise she's been moving her legs round her body and moving round like a clock 😂 Keep giving him plenty of opportunity and stimulation and it will happen!