@Georgia that’s true. I’ll see how he goes tomorrow if not then I’ll call them up. It’s not like I haven’t felt him because I have just a bit limited x
I went with reduced movements at 22 weeks, and I went this morning at 25 weeks & 4 days. They’d rather you call and be seen! They’ll do blood pressure, urine test, feel your stomach and then listen to baby’s heart beat to make sure it sounds healthy. They said it’s 26 weeks they’re able to do more.
Yeah that was me yesterday I was so worried but I still felt her a little , but today she’s been kicking around like normal , monitor it but if you find yourself not being able to sleep etc just give them a call it’s 24hrs X
I'm 26 weeks and in the past few days I've noticed a bit of a change in movement. Previously it's only been kicks that were getting stronger but it's been more 'inner movements' that I can't feel when I put my hand on my stomach and not seemed as often Is this what you've noticed? I'm wondering if it's as he's getting bigger it's moving to more movements than kicks possibly
@Georgia this is exactly the same as me! Some days she’s so active allll day and then the next she barely moves 🫣
Hey I’m 24w 4 days, my baby seems to have really active days and then a quite day sometimes where her movements are smaller , I think it depends on the position of baby if they are facing the back you don’t feel them as much , if your concerned ring triage they should get you to come in to do the Doppler if your worried x