Having the same argument over and over with husband

I have our 4 month old daughter 90% of the time as EBF and husband works long hours. When she’s unhappy she needs to be carried or walked around or communicated with to calm her down otherwise she gets more and more intensely unhappy and it gets very hard for to calm her down. When my husband has her he’ll just continue looking at his phone or watching tv until she’s in a complete state. When I see this happening I will ask him to stand up with her or give her a toy etc and every time we argue that I e shouldn’t do that, he knows how to look after and it’s something I have to stop doing and need to trust his parenting. I believe her well-being is more important than either of our prides. If roles were reversed I would want him to say something. We both fundamentally believe the other person to be wrong so can’t get over this argument. Who is right?
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Firstly what your husband is doing is wrong, he's ignoring his daughters feelings and not acknowledging her needs. Seems like she needs more stimulation during play. And you already have her 90% of the time so maybe he should give the other 10%. My husband works very long hours he doesn't just do day shifts he does night shifts and always finds time to play with our son. This is my personal opinion. He needs to spend more time playing with your daughter and less time watching TV or playing on his phone 🤷‍♀️

So we had the exact same situation and had this argument gazillion of times. It only started improving when I changed tactics-when I noticed that our lb was crying and my partner just kept looking at his phone, the conversation went a bit like: Me: "Darling, is L ok?" (Our son) Him: "Yes he's fine." Me: "He's crying." Him: "No he's not." (?!??!?! Imagine my blood pressure at that point) Me: "What is he doing then? Does he sound happy to you?" Him: (grumbling) stops looking at his phone and tries to entertain the lo - but it's way too late and he's already in hysterics Long story short - he just didn't know what to do when the lo started crying. So showed him a few options and now he is getting better. Also once had to emphasize that babies cry because they are unhappy/uncomfortable/need us for something and him ignoring the lo is the same as if I ignored my partner when he needs me for some reason. Then penny finally dropped &he's now more responsive although I still think he takes way too long but hey.

Hmm, I do think you need to stop micro managing him tbh. You don't NEED to stand up with your baby all the time, we went through this phase and I soon stopped it, as it's just tiring to be doing that for hours everyday! My baby soon learnt that I won't be doing that! I gave her toys at that age, or just lay her on the bean bag in front of us so she could see us. Now that she's 9 months she just sits and plays on the floor

Have the same at home unfortunately. I am loosing it as it just seems that TV and phone is more important that our babies development and it makes me sad, i tried to bring it up nicely so many times but seems to go nowhere with that. I think they need to realise that their life changed and they cannot do everything the same as they did! I hope someone in comments will give us some solution. So far i feel like single mom 🥲

@Rebecca so you let your baby scream on the floor for hours before she learns noone is coming?


I smashed his phone and hid his PS4😈

Staring at a screen and letting her cry isn't a form of parenting, if he thinks it is he needs to give his head a wobble. Ultimately no-one can give you a solution to this because HE has to want to do what's best for your child more than simply what he wants. My ex didn't bother with our little girl and had this attitude and I left him by the time she was 7 months old. This is their childhood, anyone who readily risks fucking it up for them is a goner 🤷🏻‍♀️

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